Terms & Conditions

1. Account Terms
1. To use Iniwebs services, you must supply your email, select a theme with ready-made content to get started, additional information may required to activiate your account including your full legal name, current address, phone number, a valid email address. Initwebs keep the rights to reject your application for an Account, or cancel an existing Account, for any reason.
2. You must be the older of: (i) 18 years, or (ii) at least the age of majority in the jurisdiction where you reside and from which you use the Services to open an Account.
3. You confirm that you are receiving any Services provided by Initwebs for the purposes of carrying on a business activity and not for any personal, household or family purpose.
4. You acknowledge that Initwebs will use the email address you provide on opening an Account or as updated by you from time to time as the primary method for communication with you.
5. You are responsible for keeping your password secure. Initwebs cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage from your failure to maintain the security of your Account and password.
6. You are responsible for all activity and content such as photos, images, videos, graphics, written content, audio files, code, information, or data uploaded, collected, generated, stored, displayed, distributed, transmitted or exhibited on or in connection with your Account (“Materials”).
7. A breach or violation of any term in the Terms of Service, including the AUP, as determined in the sole discretion of Initwebs may result in an immediate termination of your Services.
You are responsible for your Account and any Materials you upload to the Initwebs Service. Remember that if you violate these terms we may cancel your service.
If we need to reach you, we will send you an email.

2. Account Activation
2.1 Store Owner
1. Subject to section 2.1(2), the person signing up for the Service by opening an Account will be the contracting party (“Store Owner”) for the purposes of our Terms of Service and will be the person who is authorized to use any corresponding Account we may provide to the Store Owner in connection with the Service.
2. If you are signing up for the Services on behalf of your employer, your employer shall be the Store Owner. If you are signing up for the Services on behalf of your employer, then you must use your employer-issued email address and you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind your employer to our Terms of Service.
3. Your Initwebs Store can only be associated with one Store Owner. A Store Owner may have multiple Initwebs Stores. “Store” means the online store or physical retail location(s) associated with the Account.
2.2 Staff Accounts
1. Based on your Initwebs pricing plan, you can create one or more staff accounts (“Staff Accounts”) allowing other people to access the Account. With Staff Accounts, the Store Owner can set permissions and let other people work in their Account while determining the level of access by Staff Accounts to specific business information (for example, you can limit Staff Account access to sales information on the Reports page or prevent Staff Accounts from changing general store settings).
2. The Store Owner is responsible and liable for the acts, omissions and defaults arising from use of Staff Accounts in the performance of obligations under these Terms of Service as if they were the Store Owner’s own acts, omissions or defaults.
3. The Store Owner and the users under Staff Accounts are each referred to as a “Initwebs User”.
2.3 PayPal Express Checkout and Initwebs Payments Accounts
1. Upon completion of sign up for the Service, Initwebs will create a PayPal Express Checkout account on your behalf, using your email address. Depending on your location, Initwebs may also create a Initwebs Payments account on your behalf.
2. You acknowledge that PayPal Express Checkout and/or Initwebs Payments will be your default payments gateway(s) and that it is your sole responsibility as the Store Owner to activate and maintain these accounts. If you do not wish to keep either of the payment accounts active, it is your responsibility to deactivate them. For the avoidance of doubt, PayPal Express Checkout is a Third Party Service, as defined in Section 17 of these Terms of Service.
2.4 Apple Pay for Safari Account
1. Upon completion of sign up for the Service, Initwebs will create an Apple Pay for Safari (“Apple Pay”) account on your behalf, using the URL(s) and business name associated with your Account. Depending on your location, Initwebs may activate your Apple Pay account on your behalf, otherwise you will be required to activate your Apple Pay account within your Account admin. If you do not wish to keep your Apple Pay account active, it is your responsibility to deactivate it. For the avoidance of doubt, Apple Pay is a Third Party Service, as defined in Section 17 of these Terms of Service.
2. If you use an Apple Pay supported payment gateway and your customers have enabled Apple Pay on their device, customers may purchase goods and services from your Store using Apple Pay.
3. By using Apple Pay on your Store, you are agreeing to be bound by the Apple Pay Platform Web Merchant Terms and Conditions, as they may be amended by Apple from time to time. If Apple amends the Apple Pay Platform Web Merchant Terms and Conditions, the amended and restated version will be posted here: https://www.Initwebs.com/legal/apple-pay. Such amendments to the Apple Pay Platform Web Merchant Terms are effective as of the date of posting. Your continued use of Apple Pay on your Store after the amended Apple Pay Platform Web Merchant Terms are posted constitutes your agreement to, and acceptance of, the amended Apple Pay Platform Web Merchant Terms. If you do not agree to any changes to the Apple Pay Platform Web Merchant Terms, de-activate your Apple Pay account and do not continue to use Apple Pay on your Store.
2.5 Google Payment
1. Upon completion of sign up for the Service, if you have been enrolled in Initwebs Payments, Initwebs will also create a Google Payment account on your behalf. If you do not wish to keep your Google Payment account active, it is your responsibility to deactivate it. For the avoidance of doubt, Google Payment is a Third Party Service, as defined in Section 17 of these Terms of Service.
2. If you use a Google Payment supported payment gateway and your customers have enabled Google Payment, customers may purchase goods and services from your Store using Google Payment.
3. By using Google Payment on your Store, you are agreeing to be bound by the Google Payment API Terms of Service, as they may be amended by Google from time to time. If Google amends the Google Payment API Terms of Service, the amended and restated version will be posted here: https://payments.developers.google.com/terms/sellertos. Such amendments to the Google Payment API Terms of Service are effective as of the date of posting. Your continued use of Google Payment on your Store after the amended Google Payment API Terms of Service are posted constitutes your agreement to, and acceptance of, the amended Google Payment API Terms of Service. If you do not agree to any changes to the Google Payment API Terms of Service, de-activate your Google Payment account and do not continue to use Google Payment on your Store.
2.6 Domain Names
1. Upon purchasing a domain name through Initwebs, domain registration will be preset to automatically renew each year so long as your Initwebs Account remains active. You acknowledge that it is your sole responsibility to deactivate the auto-renewal function should you choose to do so.
Only one person can be the “Store Owner”, usually the person signing up for the Initwebs Service. The Store Owner is responsible for the Account, is bound by these Terms of Service and is responsible for the actions of others accessing the Account. If you sign up on behalf of your employer, your employer is the Store Owner responsible for your Account.
We automatically create certain accounts for you to accept payments. You are responsible for activating and deactivating these accounts and complying with their terms, which are with various third parties.
Any domain you purchase through us will automatically renew unless you opt out.